Nothing lasts forever, letting time heal

I am so stinking grateful for time as I have discovered the power of time healing wounds that in the moment seemed like a life sentence. Like a head wound that would never heal.

In the moment time can seem like the very enemy. Will this night ever end? Will I always feel this way, How much longer must I wait? When will redemption come? These were just some of the thoughts that were continually swirling about in my mind on a daily basis hundreds of times a day two years ago.

The fears I held onto as truth a year ago are but a distant memory. Last year this time I wondered how we would make it through the year just the two of us. Knowing the only option was to believe for better, but what did ‘better’ look like. Could the dreams of my heart really be restored? Could I actually believe in this hope that the bible spoke of?

Now a year later I am proof of how His redeeming love transforms the most broken hearted. Today I am so thankful for new beginnings, fresh starts, and restarting in a way that only God could orchestrate.

So whatever fears you’re holding onto today I wanna encourage you to say YES to the process of healing. It may seem overwhelming at first but all you have to do is say YES and He will do the rest. He will pick up every broken piece, every broken dream and put you back together as if you had never been broken. I know because its exactly what He did with me. But I had to embrace the yes and allow Him in.

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