
Perfectionism | Begin Again with Kymberly Janelle Podcast Show notes

Today I am going to be chatting about perfectionism. I feel like we all deal with this in some way whether it be relationally, business, with our families- trying to prove to someone, possibly ourselves or even God that we are someone or something we aren’t.

Pretending to have it all together benefits no one.In fact you’re creating a facade that cannot be maintained. And when you inevitably fail at maintaining this position, look, or character you’ve created you open the door to shame.  Once shame has entered you are suddenly trying to wish the shame away by doing more, trying to be more to prove to yourself or whoever else that you actually are this person that you have created.

Who you were created to be was enough.

You may not feel like that’s the truth. Believe me I get it, I remember people ten years ago trying to tell me that very truth and I thought they were either lying to me or they saw something I didn’t. Apart of your inability to not see that you’re enough ‘as is’ can be that you have not discovered who that person is within you because it is so covered by shame, fear, doubt. Or it could be that you simply have not taken the time for you. To discover just who you are.

Your core healthy self is more than enough. The goal is to get back to being that person for no other reason but to be the best version of you.

Our goal is not to prove to an ex they are missing out, its not to prove your math teacher wrong when they told you, you were stupid, and it’s not to prove to the world you’re stronger or better than everyone else. Trying to prove you’re better or don’t need people, or can get by without complaining or whatever it is you’re trying to do doesn’t work. Ultimately it doesn’t bring life to this world. It will not last in the refining fire of God. So why spend precious energy on doing those things?

Trying to cover a lie with a lie doesn’t work.

You are creating a life cycle that revolves around lies and shame and your life will continue to go in that cycle until you choose to do move out from it. In order to move from a life cycle that is ultimately death – meaning it has no eternal value and doesn’t bring life to this world back into a LIFE giving cycle you must close doors so that you can open new doors into a life you’ve only dreamt of.

Isn’t that how God works? His process to get us to the end result is usually about 100 miles off from mine. Haha. BUT the fruit of walking in His path is way better than  mine. In my path there are no boulders, no twists or turns, no negative major surprises. But in Gods He allows for suddenly cliffs and waterfalls to appear, He allows for sudden rain to fall. Why? Because He is so secure in His ability to do what He said He would do.

God can and will use you. But you first have to let Him. That starts with laying down who you think you’re supposed to be and how you’re supposed to get there and allowing Him to show you the BIG PICTURE of why you are on this earth at this exact time with certain access to a particular people group.

You are more than enough. And Not because of anything you have done, but because of what He has done. Just because you don’t feel worthy, doesn’t change the fact that you are. Allowing fears a voice in your life limits you from being who you were created to be. And that is more than enough.

Would love to hear how you’ve dealt with perfectionism and moving yourself out of the shame cycle. Drop a comment below and once you listen to podcast leave a review!

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