What if there is more to the process of waiting

I wanna propose a question to you regarding waiting.

What if waiting wasn’t about connecting the dots?

What if it wasn’t about arriving at the destination?

But rather a river flowing from one good thing to another? What if there was fishing available the entire time? What if you could cast your nets out as you went from one landmark to the next and find gold?

What if it was never about the landmark? What if it was never about the destination? What if it was always about the in-between that we know to be ‘waiting’. Could it be we have had it wrong this whole time? In my experience I find the most growth, the most maturity, the most developing in the in between. Not in the actual arriving of whatever it may be that I was looking forward too. Yes, that moment is beautiful and there is a victory song being declared in that moment.

BUT, you only got there because of all the moments before it.

Every step taken. Every no, every yes.

What if it wasn’t about the gold medal, but the training. I actually think it is. Olympians will tell you, you cannot get that gold medal without the sacrifices, without dedication to that goal. It is the process, the so called ‘waiting’ that got them there.

The key is not being stagnant in the waiting. Waiting was never about laying in bed crying as you wait wondering when you’re going to be rescued. Granted, I’ve had those seasons of life of crying myself to sleep almost every night. But its in those moments of tuning my ear to hear the whispers from His heart to mine that there is something MORE for me than what I can see in that very moment. There is a comforter, and a deliverer that will see me through this and into the new thing He has for me.

The ‘waiting’ process is one of the most beautiful places I have found myself over the past year. So often we want God to erase our pain, and take away the hard situations. But it is in those hard situations, the heartbreak, the need for heaven to break in that makes us.

If God had just erased all my pain without giving me opportunity everyday to see how He can make each day brand new I would not be the person I am today. It was in walking out every hour, every day, every week when I thought I couldn’t that I realized just how close He is in every moment. And in that I learned just how much He loves me enough to restore and redeem things I never even knew my heart needed.  I am eternally grateful for the process.

So today I want to encourage you to let go of your old ways of thinking of how you have perceived ‘waiting’ to be.



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