My new morning routine with Collagen peptides | Vital Proteins

Okay I just wanna make sure you all realize I do not put anything on my blog or IG unless I legit love it and stand behind it. End of story.

I have been SO SLOW to jump on this collagen bandwagon and now I am kicking myself for not starting last year like I told myself I would. I am going to be so honest, the biggest reason I didn’t was I thought it was gonna ruin the flavor of whatever I was putting it in. Protein powder taste is hard enough for me to deal with…Well, I finally took the plunge and you guys. It doesn’t change the flavor of my black coffee at all. Yeah, it says its unflavored but they actually were for real. So now I feel like the smarty pants for not believing the label. haha.

All this to say, if you’ve been thinking about trying Vital Proteins collagen peptides. Do it. End of story.

It is so easy. I just have one cup of coffee in the morning so I just add one scoop. If I have any other additional drinks besides water I can add one scoop to that drink as well. Doesn’t matter if its a cold or hot drink.

They suggest taking 1-2 scoops a day.

Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides are sourced from grass-fed, pasture-raised bovine hides to ensure a natural, high quality, and sustainable source of this ancient nutrient.

  • Bioavailable: Digested and absorbed by the body quickly for maximum benefits.
  • Beneficial: Improves hair, skin, nails and joints, ligaments, tendons.
  • Easy to use: Soluble in hot or cold liquids, including coffee, smoothies and baked goods.

This post was sponsored by Vital Proteins. All opinions and thoughts are my own.





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