
When it’s too hard



I think its safe to say we have all been there. The words have slipped from our mouths, or we have said them to a friend or to God. This is too hard. I can’t do this. I know I said this a few times (to say the least) at the beginning of 2017. I had thrown up my hands like how the heck am I suppose to get through this? I can barely make it through the next hour, let alone the day. How am I suppose to do this? This is too hard.
Maybe you can relate. Maybe your relationship has been strained, maybe your kiddos are driving you a tad bonkers, maybe work is stressing you out, maybe you lost your parent, you lost another baby, the possibilities of what could be happening in your life right now are endless.

This week on my begin again with kymberly janelle podcast I am talking about how I shifted my thinking when I found myself over my head in “this is too hard God” to not only getting through it but thriving. I have been through a couple HARD seasons of life (parent dying, marriage failing and ultimately leading to divorce) where my body, my mind, and heart were just ‘done’.
That feeling of I don’t have anything left yet life is still standing at my door knocking with responsibilities, bills to pay, work to complete, a baby to feed. It was in these moments of crying out I can’t do this, this is too much I realized I had approached the phrase “God will never give you more than you can handle” all wrong.  It’s not that you will never be handed things that could potentially crush you. You will. Its only a matter of when. And when you do, will you rely on your own strength or trust His to lead you THROUGH whatever it is trusting if He allowed this storm in your life that He has made a way through.

It’s NOT your ability to handle it that determines whether you will get through it- but GODS.

Those who don’t rely on Gods strength and try and get through it all on their own, will be crushed. Thats why you see in divorce two people that once were in a relationship afterwards one can be flourishing after and the other is still in their unhealthy cycle that led them to divorce. It’s what you choose to do when life hands you crap. Will you use it as fertilizer or will you sit with the pigs and roll around in and say oh woe is me?

To hear more on this topic listen to the podcast. I would love to hear what you think!
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