Weekly Recap
Somehow its May. That right there kinda of stops me in my tracks if we’re being honest. This past week has been a super reflective week.
I am super focused on where I want to go and how to get there. As an achiever having a goal or plan is necessary or I won’t do a dang thing. So I’m committing to 90 days of changing how I do everything in my life. Saying yes to things that I use to say h*ll no to and saying no to things I use to say yes to. To be honest I am no where, where I thought I would be. There are a lot of ‘problems’ in my life that I thought would have been resolved by now BUT through it all I am learning to embrace the process even if it takes three times longer than I think is necessary. In the midst of these problems I see the stage being set for God to come in and do what only He can do. In the last 48 hours I have watched God show up and provide for our needs in ways I could have never orchestrated. I will think a simple thought and within a day that thought is answered.
Something I wanna mention on that- I’ve found that when I have these “random” thoughts that are almost instantly presented to me in ‘real life’ that these are opportunities. Chances if you will to dive deeper into the blessings of God. They usually come through anything but ordinary events.
Okay what else…
Last week I co-hosted with my one of my friends a life group and cooking event called GATHER. I randomly had the idea drop into my brain and decided to jump on it so for two months we are making (mostly) farm to table cuisine. This is what my dreams are made of. I LOVE hosting and LOVE bringing people around the table. Each week we meet outdoors around tables and picnic blankets with lots of laughter and prayer. New people each week, and its been divine. This past week I made my favorite bruschetta which now that I mention it I should probably blog the recipe 😉
listening to… HALLELUJAH (elevation)
reading… the bible. I have a stack of four books I wanna dig into this weekend
planning… Isaacs third birthday AND a young living make n take thieves cleaner party. If you’re local and wanna join message me!
drinking… iced chai tea lattes (2.5 pumps with almond milk is key)
It’s almost birthday month…
For both Isaac and I. So planning two get togethers, or attempting to. Hopefully will have more on that later. Perk of being single is I get to choose what the heck I wanna do. Downside to being single, is I have to choose what the heck I wanna do. lol.
Currently wearing…. I dunno about you but I have been eyeing these crochet tanks. I just scored this crotchet tank from T.J. Maxx this week for $8 that is hands down a new favorite. It’s currently only available on postmark or TJ Maxx but I found a couple dupes.

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