
Stop asking | Begin Again with Kymberly Janelle Podcast Show Notes


Todays episode may shake up how you view God and your responsibility in your life, so I am warning you now. The title is pretty blunt and it’s about as straight forward as it gets. Soon what am I trying to say by titling this “stop asking”? Lets chat! 

There have been so many times, still to this day. I was doing this the other night where I was just like God I need you to take this away, I need an angel to come and tell me what the heck to do, I need this pain gone. I have hurt enough. I am done doing this over and over again, just make this lift. Take it all away.Somewhere in the back of my head though I knew my past with the Lord that that was not how He typically does things. Because He thinks long term success, not short term. God is a generational God. So when issues arise, when pain surfaces He is not interested in a quick bandaid fix. He wants to empower His children to not only get through it but have a testimony through it to share with others to empower them. (For those wondering, I choose to do what I could and focus on what God has spoken over my life, choose to not hold onto disappointment and not allow disillusionment a voice and found myself in what some would call a setback to be supernaturally made into a set up launching me into an even better path)

A week or two ago I was talking with the Lord about a situation I honestly don’t even remember what it was and the Lord plainly asked me


‘Why do you keep asking me to do things you know how to do?’


I remember sitting there almost in shock like wait, what? Am I really asking you to do something that I can do myself? I seriously questioned myself like am I that oblivious to whats going on? And then second yikes. God really is in the business of empowerment. I guess that should be a duh though right? God is preparing us for the eternal kingdom in which we will rule and reign with Christ. He allows situations in our lives that He knows will ultimately strengthen us into the children that He created us to be.

I am finding more times than not I actually am the answer, the solution to the issue that I am staring at. God has equipped me with all I need to get through what I am going through. 

Chances are you have what you need to get out of whatever you’re dealing with. I love what Bill Johnson says if God leads you around it, its His protection. If God leads you through it, it means He has equipped you to be able to fight this battle.

Now I get it. That’s not always the answer we wanna hear. When we are in the middle of what we think to be our world crashing in we want instant fix, instant relief. We want it and we want it now and first thought is God wave your magic wand. Forgetting He gave us the keys to the kingdom. We have all authority.

God wants us to walk in our identity as sons and daughters of the king of kings.

Take a listen today and let me know your thoughts! Have a great monday!!



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