
You can’t start unless you start



You can’t start if you don’t start –
Seems like the perfect first podcast episode to do. Right? You can’t start unless you start, so here I am. Let’s jump in. Until you take that first step, nothing is going to happen. You’ll never know how far you can go until you actually step out.
Stepping out is where most people stop. They just don’t do it. Looking for everything to magical align. BUTTTT Im going to be that reminder that 99% of the time
There are no magic words, there is no angel coming down from heaven, there’s no guaranteed prophecy coming to you telling you the road is clear you may proceed.
It doesn’t matter how spiritually in tune you are There comes a point in everyones journey where you just have to blindly take a leap, a jump, a step, a breathe and actually do it. Choosing to have faith that something good could possibly occur, vs fearing the what ifs. They recently did a study and 85% of the things that we worry about DON’T happen, and the 15% of what does happen can be categorized as good.

It’s up to you to make the choice to show up and do it regardless of how you feel.
Allowing your feelings in a place in your decision making process is an awful idea. We cannot allow our emotions to run our day. Fear and indecisiveness make awful companions. One of the biggest things I have discovered the past ten months is the most work can happen when you choose to step out of that comfort zone and into the unknown. (Its also the most terrifying. Because you have no idea what lays on the other side.)
Because right there when you take that first step and you think you are going to fall – your dependencies will be revealed. Whatever it was that you have been giving power to in the past will rear its head. So when you think about chasing after that dream and you take that first step What is it that flashes before you in your mind? What are you suddenly craving? What thoughts are suddenly racing through your mind?
Do you all of a sudden feel like I can’t do this, I don’t know what I am doing? This is way over my head. I don’t even know anyone who can help me create this business or produce this song. PERFECT. That is exactly where God wants you.  
It sounds crazy but you cannot fully surrender unless you are aware of what it is that you are clinging to instead of Him.
That is what God wants to get rid of in your life, so that love can have its perfect place in your life and as a result, hope can be what pulls and pushes you through the hard times.

You’ll never know what could happen, until you actually do something about it. I’ve watched people have some brilliant ideas, but fear held them back from doing them for 10, 20, 30 plus years. I personally got to a place in my life where I said screw worrying about being perfect. Lets just do this. Lets share my story, I am sure there are others who are going through similar heart journeys. So that is why I am here. To share my heart, my story, and to encourage you that there is always more available.

Apart of choosing to start I believe is re-defining success. So often we want to have all our ducks in a row and know exactly how everything is going to end before we start. Life just doesn’t work like that. We have to grab hold of whatever hope we have within our hearts and run with it. You take that hope and run till you think you cannot run any further and I promise you more will be given to you. Because each time you take that step, or run a little further you begin stirring hope up within yourself as you see oh wow I really can do this. Oh, I am actually accomplishing the things I wanted. The more you get out of your comfort zone, the more you realize oh I have no idea just how much is available to me. When you stay inside comfort zones you limits on what is possible.

No one is going to do it for me. No one cares more about me than myself. It is up to me to make the life choices to do life in a way that sets me up for success (also known as growth)

For me, I had to do it for me. I had to know what could happen if I just kept moving forward. I had held onto so many fears, so many rejections, so many traumas never fully letting go. Never fully surrendering them and allowing myself to be transformed by love. When I filed for divorce I knew I had to change the direction my life was going. The past couple years had been hell for me and I was not even a tenth of the person that I was when I got married. I had to find myself. I had hit my personal rockbottom. So stepping out had to be better than what I left behind.

I have learned that I don’t have to know where I am going, or see every step in front of me to trust, I just need to know who is leading me.
Is God leading me or am I allowing fear to lead me on a wild goose chase distracting me from my God purpose?

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