Discovering the beauty in waiting

I believe waiting is so much more than simply the discipline of waiting. So often ‘waiting’ is looked at as a bad thing. We ask our kids to wait for their food as we make it. Sometimes it’s not ready yet, sometimes its too hot for them to eat.

It does not make us a bad parent for asking them to wait. Its simply apart of the process of receiving things.

Christmas is coming up. Apart of the process of christmas is the WAITING. The anticipation of what is to come, of what is under that christmas tree. Its the belief that what I asked for is under there.  So why is it when God asks us to wait that so often our assumption is lack? That He doesn’t actually want us to have good things. Lack is nowhere to be found in Gods description or in heaven. Might I remind us all that GOODNESS and mercy follow all who seek him.

 If you’re seeking a kingdom on earth lifestyle chances are God will ask you to wait. Possibly longer than others seeking the same things as you. 

Him asking you to wait is another way of Him saying let me make this this thing I have for you PERFECT.

Let me perfect EVERYTHING. From you dreaming/hoping for it, receiving it, and cherishing it. Because when you receive this thing. The story doesn’t end. You will be asked to wait again, and again, and again for more things/dreams in your life. Each time you wait, each time you surrender to His timing you will discover just how GOOD He really is. He wants His best for us every single time. This is why He asks us to wait. He is perfecting everything about its delivery. All too often though we try and jump in grabbing something before its ready. Which can lead to confusion, pain, or an annoyingly burned mouth 😉

*insert picture of me waiting for my coffee to cool. Too corny? Oh well, here it is*

Whatever it is you are waiting for I encourage you to lean not on your understanding. Knowing there truly is a reason for the season. Cheesy; I know, but guys its so true. I cannot emphasize it enough. I have seen this over and over in my own life. His timing is seriously a hundred million times better than mine. He is SO FAITHFUL to carry out every promise to completion in a way that will help us come fully alive and that will glorify His son. So when that time comes for that thing/dream to be presented to you, you’ll look back and see realize couldn’t have dreamt it to be any better even if you had tried. And I’m guessing you’ve tried a few times 😉 Or maybe thats just how my brain works. haha. 

Believing with you today that God has His BEST in store for you.


Take a moment a listen to this song from Hillsong called Seasons:

I can see the promise
I can see the future
You’re the God of seasons
I’m just in the winter
If all I know of harvest
Is that it’s worth my patience
Then if You’re not done working
God I’m not done waiting
You can see my promise
Even in the winter
Cause You’re the God of greatness.

I believe that my season will come.”













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