Turning the page…

The only way to start a new story is to turn the page on your past. It requires letting go of what was. Sometimes that means letting go of what you believed to be the best for yourself, sometimes its finally let go of something that wasn’t good for you, sometimes its blindly taking a leap of faith off the edge not knowing where you will land.

Sometimes its turning the page to a new chapter, sometimes its turning the page on the last page of the book to start a new one.

My hope for you is when that time comes for you to write a new story that you would be brave. Believing anything is possible. Letting go of the limitations that once held you back and allowing the winds of change to blow on your life. You may be surprised to discover that this was the best plan for you all along.


“If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello”




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