Bedtime stories

There is something about reading before bed. As a kid it’s what you would find me up to late at night, under the covers with my flashlight. I just had to know what was going to happen next in the story. There was no way I could sleep without knowing. I was a book worm and then some. I participated in summer reading programs up until High School and loved every second of it.

I want to pass that down Isaac. The power of a good story. The writers over at lost my name have done a phenomenal job at writing a book that speaks life and truth into children. When I was reading through parts of the book online I almost started crying it was so powerful.

We got “the little boy who lost his name” book.  It’s amazing. You type in their name, and then select which creatures you want in the book. How incredible is that? Each book is CUSTOM MADE. I hope he treasures this book forever. We wrote a little note in the beginning of the book too. Yet another custom feature they allow you to do. Seriously you guys get over to lost my name and order your kiddo one of these books.

Also, he is going to be ONE in less than a week!!!!

Guess I should start getting everything ready for his birthday!



This post was sponsored by lost my name. All opinions are my own. 

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