Babies First Easter Basket

So random fact about me. I grew up never celebrating Easter due to religious reasons. As I grew up I made the choice for myself that I would celebrate. Now having a little one, well, how could I not spoil him with fun little gifts? Since he is 10 months old there won’t be any chocolate bunnies or peeps this year. I decided not to do anything food related this year. I’m sure next year will be another story 😉

I teamed up with some of my favorite brands to create the perfect easter basket for my little guy. He couldn’t wait to dig into his basket. These really are some of his favorite things.


JJ Rabbit has the most adorable cups with a little animal inside. The cup in his basket has the rabbit. Of course. Along with a rabbit plate. Stay tuned for a review on their products later this week.

I am convinced that all of Bannor Toys  products are amazing. We got little man their whale rattle with his name engraved so for easter we got the engraved blocks. Perfect for his age. Stacking for now, and soon letters. Best part is I can use them as decor in his room. If you hurry they have adorable little bunny push toys and teethers.



How beautiful are these engraved blocks?? Thank you Bannor Toys!! 

Next brand is one of my new favorites. Nature Baby . These Honey Stick Bees Wax Crayons are not only are they toxic free but they’re larger for his little hands than your normal crayons. A tad harder to eat without me noticing 😉 Cause lord knows he is at that faze in life. His adorable bunny print bodysuit and socks are from Nature Baby as well.

His favorite item is definitely the pacifiers. haha. These are the ONLY pacifiers he will take. AND MAM makes glow in the dark ones. If you don’t have them, you NEED them if you use pacifiers at night. They are a lifesaver. The moment he could grab them himself I scattered 2-4 of them in his crib and I slept way better. Because he would no longer scream bloody murder because his pacifier fell out and he couldn’t find it. haha.


The cute little bunny + basket are from Targets Easter Clearance when it hit 90% off last year. So the bunny was $0.19 and the basket was $0.10. Can’t go wrong with those prices.


P.S. The DIY easter eggs are coming the blog next week.



This was a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. 

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