Choosing to not become overwhelmed by Pregnancy Hormones

If you’ve followed my blogging journey you know I try to be as transparent as possible for the sake of those who may be going through the same thing or to bring light to circumstances or situations that others would not have known about. Today I wanna chat with you quick about pregnancy hormones.

Sometimes pregnancy hormones try and wreck havoc on your day the moment you wakeup. Like this morning. Hormones would have loved for me to cry into my pillow all morning for lord knows what reason 😜😂.
Instead I got dressed, made coffee, put makeup on and choose to conquer the day.

For me to conquer the day it meant I needed to put myself first. I needed to do me. I gave myself 2.5 hours to just do what I wanted to do. I needed to re-focus on the attention on me and let go of whatever emotional tizzy these hormones were trying to conjure up. So I did just that. I went to panera and ordered my favorite bagel. I only ate half of it not letting guilt trip me that I just wasted money even though finances are tight. Then I went to get a pedicure and picked out a color that I love wearing in the summer. Finally I went through the drive thru and my lunch was a M&M McFlurry. (REAL LIFE PEOPLE) And you know what? It worked. Sometimes we just need to stop worrying and fretting about whatever it is that the hormones have got us feeling and re-focus the attention on us. It is NOT selfish for you to do that. I honestly think its a good practice to begin before baby comes, so that when he or she does come you are able to still implement this into your daily/weekly schedule.

I never really understood the power of hormones until I got pregnant. I have however been able to track what can set me off for the first two trimesters. However in the third trimester I will note the increase in hormones there are more times when I am all of a sudden feeling something overwhelming. In those times I’ve learned to let it go, and just believe whatever the truth in that situation is. That means believing. Trusting. Is it easy? Not always, but its ALWAYS worth it. I find myself still able to get things done in the day and I am not stuck under the covers as my mind is consumed with fears, worries, doubts and whatever else it may be.

Be kind to those pregnant and postpartum mamas. Hormones are a crazy thing.

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