3 things we are doing to be present during COVID-19
One of the biggest silver linings of COVID-19 has been the intentional time with Isaac. Before corona my heart was hurting I felt like I barely saw him and we didn’t have a lot of time together. Anyone else know parent guilt?? Single parenting guilt is right up there. So this weekend I decided we are making the most of this. Sure, we’ve done things the past month but this weekend was the intentional okay we have another month of this lets live the life we always wanted to with the time we’ve been given.
This weekend I focused on three things.
- Make a new tradition
- Create something with what we have
- Learn a new game
I am HUGE with traditions. Memory making is at the top of my list when it comes to how I choose what I present to Isaac. So last night we decided to bust out our tickets and have a movie night. Tickets to watch a movie and tickets to get any kind of treats and food. Let’s just say I am seeing this as a great way to limit treats and teach him how to subtract 😉 He LOVED needing to give me ticket for his popcorn. Just learn from me only give them a certain amount of tickets. lol. I think going forward I may have him earn them throughout the week.

#2 Create something
As a kid and honestly as a pre-teen even making box houses and castles was one of my favorite things. So this weekend I brought up a huge box I had been holding onto since December from when I bought our table and created a castle. Complete with a working drawbridge. Let it be known it had curtains at one point. Those were promptly ripped down. lol. And yes our welcome sign has an upside down W. We are still learning how to spell over here, give us grace 😉

#3 was learning hopscotch. He was realllll into it. For like 30 seconds. Glad I got it on camera. haha.

What have you been doing to pass the time and make new memories during COVID-19?