
Shutting down comparison | Begin Again with Kymberly Janelle Podcast Show Notes


This episode on Begin Again with Kymberly Janelle is all about shutting down comparison. It’s something I think we all deal with whether we are a parent, child, student, business owner. We are all faced with comparison in one way or another. One of the big things that has helped me is remembering I get to focus on what He has called me to not on what He has called others to do. The moment I start focusing on what others are doing, I am wasting precious energy that could have been focused on learning more about God, myself, and the dreams He has for me.

So often we want to see what others are doing to make sure we are doing it right, or that we are doing the “in” things. Using social media as a measuring stick.

Remembering there is more than enough room for us all. We don’t have to fight for a spot, we don’t have to cut someone down to make it to where we’ve been called. Instead we get to stand up tall knowing He has things just for us.

I am learning to live my life where I am LESS focused on living my life being the best whatever, best photographer, best business owner, best mom. And simply choosing to be the best me that I can be. This cuts out comparison. There is instantly no room for comparison if I choose to make me the end goal. Not someone else’s success. I can their success inspire me, but their life calling no matter how similar is not mine. No matter how similar. They do not have access to the people you do. Your lives can not be replicated.

Understanding you have influence in this world – it goes beyond followers. While numbers inherently aren’t bad, if given power they can become the measuring stick by which we attempt to measure our worth. When they become the focus they diminish whats real about us. Our worth cannot be put into a number. Giving the number of followers you have authority to speak value to your life is essentially an idol. God is the only who gives your life value. He died for you. That right there is your worth.

Re-focus/Shifting my energy to the positive: Instead of focusing on what you cannot do, focus on what you CAN do right here and now. I may not be able to build a website, go get groceries, do a workout and play with my son all at the same time. But what can I do right now? I guarantee you there is something that you can do RIGHT NOW to work towards that goal you have. That desire. Stop limiting yourself and make sure that you’re using everything you currently have to the fullest capacity. So often I think we look around at what others have or are doing and compare their calling with ours. Its like comparing red delicious apples to granny smith apples. They may look similar, be in the same food group, have a simular name but they certain don’t taste the same, or have the same function. When you compare you diminish the worth of the one you’re comparing. Completely forgetting the giftings and things that we have. What can you do with the tools you possess?


Listen in to hear more about how to re-shift your focus back onto who you were created to be and allowing yourself to BE that person instead of measuring any success you may feel by someone else accomplishments.


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