My must haves for flying with a toddler

This will be his fifth flight and he has always done amazing traveling. I did a blog post last November when he was 5 months old on what helped that you can read HERE. Whatever you do, don’t forget the carseat backpack. It is a must. Especially since I currently travel solo with little man.

So when it comes to actually traveling. There a couple things I always suggest having “in case” they get bored of sleeping or staring at the person behind you 😉

Now that little man is just over a year old I changed up what I typically have in my carry on bag because he will most likely be awake for a large duration of the flight. (*Update: He ended up just taking a 30 minute nap and was up for 3 hours. Everything listed provided MORE than enough entertainment.)

I always suggest dressing your little one in fleece, or two layers and make sure its comfy clothing. Planes are typically chilly so I usually put him in a fleece romper. This trip he will be rocking a one piece cat + Jack romper I got him and high tops.



For activities I scored these six books for $1 at a recent consignment sale. (New books + toys are always a great way to keep them enthralled). Also bringing one of his favorite books Babys first 100 words.

I bought a set of gel window clings from Targets dollar spot for him to put on the windows, or seats or whatever else his heart desires. (Some moms suggest stickers. Ummm, no thanks. I’d prefer not to spend half the flight peeling stickers off the seats 😉 *Update* He LOVED these! I did have to remind him two or three times they were not for consumption but he caught on pretty quick when he saw how they stuck to almost anything. 

I splurged and bought him some magic markers + paper. This will actually be his first time trying markers. So I am hoping the appeal of something new will keep him entertained.

For teething I brought his favorite honeycomb goods teething bracelets and teethers. Along with his paci + “teddy” lovey.


Snacks. Lord knows he loves to eat so I am bringing a couple things. Cereal bars, puffs (aka baby crack), and a pouch. I will purchase a water bottle when we get through security for us to drink as well.

To keep germs at bay I have my thieves spray. Yes, I will be that mom that sprays the tray and seat with it. Cause lets be honest people with colds travel.


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