Taking time to journal with Prompty Journals

One of my first journals was a pocohantas journal that even came with a lock and key. Journaling for me has always been a way to safely express myself. As I got older blogging  took over and I began sharing my story more openly in hopes it would encourage those around me. As of late I’ve found I take a million pictures but don’t always slow down enough to write down what happened that day. While its fresh in my mind now, and I don’t think I could ever forget it. I am sure one day my memory may go a little fuzzy.

Having lost my mom I understand the importance of journaling, and keeping a record of his life. There are so many questions I never got to ask my mom about me as a baby, growing up, her pregnancy. Having something like this would have been so valuable.


My gramme did however give me a book a couple years ago where she kept track of everything I said, did when I was around them. I loved getting to read it. Now thanks to promptly journals I get to do the same thing for my little guy.








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