Day in the life

Well better late than never right? haha.

Finally getting around to posting pictures from our ‘day in the life’ shoot back in December by the wonderful KM Photography .

If you check her out, make sure and let her know I sent you 🙂 Krissy had approached my when I was pregnant and we came up with the idea to do a day in the life type session which I have never done before and honestly they have become some of my favorite sessions. Hubby obliged and put on matching pajamas (thanks babe 😉 and we all just cuddled in bed, made waffles and just hung out. You know, real life. I wouldn’t want it any other way.

life with kymberly janelle life with kymberly janelle


 You’ll notice on our nightstands we both have framed pictures of loved ones we have lost. I lost my mom to cancer almost 4 years ago, and my husband lost his with kymberly janelle

life with kymberly janelle life with kymberly janelle life with kymberly janelle life with kymberly janelle

life with kymberly janelle life with kymberly janelle dsc_2314-2 life with kymberly janelle life with kymberly janelle life with kymberly janelle life with kymberly janelle life with kymberly janelle life with kymberly janelle life with kymberly janelle life with kymberly janellelife with kymberly janelle




life with kymberly janelle life with kymberly janelle



life with kymberly janelle life with kymberly janelle life with kymberly janelle life with kymberly janelle life with kymberly janelle dsc_2474 life with kymberly janelle life with kymberly janelle






dsc_2322 dsc_2324life with kymberly janelle

Bedsheets: Target

Nighstands: Overstock

Lamps: Bought from a friend

Christmas trees on nightstand: Target dollar spot (2 years ago)

Wreath over bed: I made it! Just bought wire frame from michaels arts + crafts store and found the wreath material at a thrift store!

Husbands pajama bottoms: Old Navy

Baby Pajama Bottoms: Target

Mamas Pajama Bottoms: Kohls  ( on clearance of course 😉


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